Benefits of the React framework

  • Posted by deploy
  • On January 3, 2018

Let’s explore the resourceful benefits of implementing the React framework in a project.

1. Lightweight DOM For Better Performance

React embraces a lightweight implementation of the events system and DOM. It doesn’t use the browser, but allows one to manipulate DOM version stored in the memory. This certainly delivers fast and effective performance.Since, several developers have experienced terrifying performance issues of DOM while working with Angular, they prefer switching to React framework.

Here’s why.

The data in Angular is binded to the DOM. Thus, whenever there is any data change, a process of rendering an entire page is triggered. When a huge chunk of complex data in there, it ultimately impacts the performance. On the contrary, while using the virtual DOM in React, complete data rendering is not needed. In this case, the complete work is done in JavaScript and only the changes are applied via the Diff algorithm (used by React.js). It, thus, doesn’t need heavy DOM and offers a prolific performance.

2. Easy Learning Curve

The straightforward API of React framework makes it very easy for one to get started. You can kick start development of this framework with its simplified programming approach. There is no need to make painstaking efforts in learning complicated concepts, you can create a desired interface design by using a suitable API. Yes! It is as simple as that, and thus, it makes a viable choice. Where as, for getting started with Angular, one needs to get his hands on specific concepts and conventions. Although, it may result in magical output, incurs indefinite efforts and hefty price to learn these essentials.

3. A desired interface can be created in a relatively easy manner.

You can proficiently design an app interface with Angular. However, React offers a more scrutinized approach to design an interface. Let’s explore a few design concepts.

  • Nested View : You can easily use the nested elements in React. It can be accomplished by including a reference to the child class within the render method of the parent class. The method is much simpler, cleaner and easier than working in the same with Angular framework.

  • Loop : Using loops in a program can help create rendering views in Angular framework as well as React framework. However, the techniques of using loops in both the frameworks are fairly different.

In Angular, the “ng-repeat” directive is implemented to create rendering views via loops. In React, JSX that is JavaScript is used to create a loop over numerous HTML elements and then, to stack them into an array. This offers a much simple technique that can be deployed easily.

4. Components Support And Little Dependencies

The default JavaScript package manager (npm) has enticed several developers to implement the Node.js platform with its amazingly useful features. Unlike, AngularJS that doesn’t support Node.js, you can easily use the Node.js platform in the front end while working with React. This is so because in React, everything is treated as components. Therefore, you can easily import component by just writing the below line.


Moreover, the React framework also offers a module named as “commonjs” that facilitates one to install via npm with ease.

Quoted from Devsaran



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